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Illuminate Forensic Psychology & Linguistics Canberra are available to provide expert witness reports and testimony in:




Criminal (including pre-sentence reports)

Injury assessment and compensation (psycho-legal)

Risk, and Competence matters.


Expertise and experience in assessment of:


  • Criminogenic risk

  • Psychological and personal injury

  • Family disputes and children’s residence

  • Parenting and child safety

  • Cognitive and intellectual competence and capacity

  • Malingering

  • Treatment and support recommendations

  • Psychological diagnosis (including drug and alcohol)

Forensic Psychology Canberra Booking

How are we different?



Illuminate FP&L only employs forensic psychologists who have received training and experience in the legal context. Forensic Psychologists are particularly equipped to understand and assess psychological disorders and presentations in individuals coming into contact with the legal system through Children’s, Family, criminal, civil, competency and risk environments. We are able to communicate and respond to questions posed uniquely in the forensic environment,  and receive specialised training in understanding human behaviour within a legal context, compared with hospital and health environments.


Our clinicians are experienced in assessing mental health disorders and risk which take into account the wholistic implications of the forensic population. Additionally, we are experienced in working with those involved in the legal system including representatives and law enforcement professionals. We have considerable experience providing expert and professional evidence in the court room and are able to liaise with those in the legal and law enforcement professions from a more informed perspective, providing the translation between legal and psychological assessment and intervention.


We provide assessment and intervention services for government, legal and insurance clients


Our Director Leesa Morris is a fully endorsed Forensic Psychologist & Forensic Linguist

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